Getting To Botswana
Getting to Botswana can be done by means of air or road transportation:
By Air : To travel to Botswana by air, you would typically fly into one of the country’s international airports which would be Sir Seretse Khama International Airport located in the capital city of Gaborone, Maun International airport, and Kasane Airport.
Most international travellers (outside of South Africa) will need a connecting flight through a larger regional airport in South Africa like OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg or Cape Town International Airport, as there are currently no direct international flights into Botswana.
By Road : Botswana shares borders with South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Zambia so you can enter the country by car from any of these neighboring countries.
Driving into Botswana from any of its neighboring countries, you will generally encounter tarred, well maintained roads, however if your aim is to drive through any of the National Parks, a 4x4 vehicle will be required as the roads are more often than not gravel and deep sand roads.
Below are some of the more frequently used routes:
- From South Africa : The most common entry point by road is from South Africa, as it has the most developed road network connecting to Botswana with two main border posts namely Martin’s Drift Border Post (between South Africa’s Limpopo Province and Botswana’s Chobe district) and Tlokweng Border Post (Between Pretoria and Gaborone)
- From Namibia : You can cross into Botswana from Namibia through the Ngoma Border Post, which connects the Zambezi Region (Caprivi Strip) of Namibia with Northern Botswana (close to Chobe National Park).
- From Zimbabwe :- The Kasane Border Post in the northeast of Botswana connects to Zimbabwe’s Victoria Falls region. You could also cross from the Plumtree Border Post to Francistown in Botswana
- From Zambia : The Kazungula border post connects Zambia to Botswana via the Zambezi River, providing access to Kasane and the Chobe National Park Area.
Botswana Border Crossing
Duty-Free Allowances
Customs duties are not charged on the following goods imported as accompanied or unaccompanied passengers’ baggage: The following articles and consumables (excluding any goods whose importation is prohibited), declared at the place where the traveler enters Botswana and not imported on behalf of other persons or for trade purposes, may be admitted free of duty and, where applicable, Value Added Tax (VAT).
- Wine - 2 Litres
- Spirituous and other alcoholic beverages - 1 Litre
- Cigarettes - 200
- Cigars - 20
- Cigarette or Pipe Tobacco - 250 grams
- Perfume - 50 ml
- Toilet Water - 250ml
Other new or used goods of a total
- Value not exceeding (from outside SACU) - 3000UA*
- Value not exceeding (from SACU) - 500 UA*
- UA is equivalent to One South African Rand
- Personal effects, sporting and recreational effects, new or used
- Imported by non-residents of Botswana for their own use;
- Exported by residents of Botswana for their own use whilst abroad and subsequently reimported by such residents. The goods must be identified as those exported from Botswana
Additional goods imported from outside SACU, new or used of a total value not exceeding 12 000 UA* per person, excluding the consumable items detailed above, are admissible at a flat rate of 20% , if the owner so elects.
Ristricted Goods
These are goods that you cannot import without authority such as a license or a permit. Further details regarding restrictions on the importation of agricultural products can be obtained from:
- Director of Animal Health and Production, Private Bag 0032, Gaborone
- Director of Crop Production and Forestry, Private Bag 003, Gaborone
The following consumer goods may be imported for private use without an import permit provided they do not exceed the maximum allowable quantities.
- Red meat, goat/lamb - 25kg per family
- Poultry meat - 5kg per person
- Tinned poultry meat - 20kg per person
- Eggs - 36 eggs per person
- Fresh milk - 2 litres per person
- Maize and maize products - 25kg per person
- Wheat - 25 kg per person
- Pulses (beans, peas, lentils) - 25 kg per person
- Sorghum and sorghum products - 25kg per person
- Cabbage, onions, potatoes, oranges - 1 bag per person
- Tomatoes - 1 box per person
- Spinach - 2 kg per person
- Bread loaves - 6 per week
- Sugar - 12kg per person
Important Note
The regulations on importing meat and meat products change frequently because they are based on disease outbreaks in different countries. Always ask your nearest customs office before importing meat and meat products.
Other Notes
- Duty will be payable at the applicable rates where travellers import goods exceeding the above allowances. Travellers importing goods for business or commercial purpose will not qualify for the above allowances.
- The concession for new and used goods specified above do not apply to such foods imported by residents of Botswana returning after an absence of less than 48 hours;
- With the exception of those relating to tobacco and alcoholic products, the concessions may be claimed by children under the age of 18 years, whether or not their parents or guardians accompany them, provided the goods are for use by the children themselves.
Prohibited and Restricted Goods
Certain goods are prohibited or restricted to protect public health, domestic plant and animal life, or the environment. We have been entrusted with enforcing the laws for other government agencies relating to the prohibition and restrictions of such goods. It is not possible to list all prohibited and restricted goods.
If you are in doubt whether the importation of other goods are prohibited or restricted, please contact your nearest customs office in Botswana before travelling outside the country.
Prohibited Goods
The importation of the following goods into Botswana is completely prohibited. It is illegal to be found in possession of prohibited goods and may result in seizure and prosecution. These include, but are not limited to:
- Narcotic, habit forming drugs and related substances in any form
- Military firearms, ammunition and explosives
- Indecent and obscene material such as pornographic books, magazines, films, videos, DVD’s and software.
- Semi-precious stones such as agate, amethyst, Botswana pink, jade, rose quartz, carnelian, chalcedony, crystal quartz, tourmaline, jasper, tanzanite, garnet, moss agate, tiger’s eye, sodalite, aquamarine, azurite and malachite.
Domestic Pets
Importing animals is closely regulated for public health reasons
and also for the well being of the animals. Domestic pets and livestock
may be imported subject to animal health restrictions.
Details in this regard can be obtained from:
- Director of Animal Health and Production, Private Bag 0032, Gaborone.
A valid certificate of identity, rabies vaccination and movement permit issued in Lesotho, Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland, Namibia or Zimbabwe will be accepted at the time of importation into Botswana.
These may be imported subject to plant and health restrictions. Details on this regards can be obtained from:
- The Chief Agricultural Research Officer, Private Bag 0033, Gaborone.
South African transit permits may also be required in respect of plants shipped through South Africa. Details of this regard may be obtained from:
- The Director of Plant Control and Quarantine, Private Bag x179, Pretoria, South Africa
Soil is considered the loose surface material of the earth in which plants, trees and shrubs grow. In most cases, the soil consists of disintegrated rock with an admixture of organic material and soluble salts. The importation of soil is prohibited unless accompanied by an import permit from:
- The Director of Crop Production and Forestry, Private Bag 003, Gaborone.
No boat, mokoro or aquatic apparatus may be imported into Botswana unless the owner is in the possession of an Import Permit issued by the Department of Water Affairs.
Importation of Motor Vehicles
Currently, Botswana does not impose any restriction on importation or exportation of motor vehicles.
Motor vehicles imported on a temporary basis into Botswana should be imported under cover of a temporary import permit issued by BURS at time of importation or an ATA Carnet. Such motor vehicles may remain in Botswana for a period not exceeding 14 days after which period customs duties and/or VAT on the motor vehicle becomes due and payable.
All foreign registered vehicles entering Botswana are required to pay a National Road Safety Fund levy amounting to BWP40, which expires at the end of December of each year, and a Road Transport Permit Levy charged on the basis of the leden load of a vehicle(truck) and charged for every entry into Botswana
Motor vehicles that enter Botswana for home consumption are liable for payment of customs duties and/or VAT and therefore should be cleared for customs purpose within days from the date of entry into Botswana.The appropriate documents to submit to BURS for this purpose are:
- Customs Declaration Form SAD 500
- Police clearance certificate from both the export country and the Botswana Police Service
- Customs clearance document from export country and invoice or valuation certificate from a local vehicle retail store/garage
Customs clearance of a motor vehicle should be undertaken even if there is no intention to register it in Botswana or the vehicle is still owned by a Bank or any other Third Party.
Residents of Botswana are not allowed to drive or use foreign registered vehicles in Botswana for more than 14 days after importation of such vehicles. If you are intending to do so, please contact your nearest customs office for advice. Should you be found in possession of a foreign registered vehicle, severe penalties including seizure of vehicle may be imposed.
Firearms and Ammunition
- Firearms and ammunition may only be imported into Botswana upon production of a Police permit issued by the Central Arms Registry, P.O Box 334, Gaborone.
- The issue of firearms licences in Botswana is strictly controlled and all firearms imported under the authority of an import permit must be licenced immediately upon arrival in Botswana
- The importation of firearms, which do not have the manufacturer’s serial number or other number by which they can be identified, stamped or engraved on a metal part of the weapon is completely prohibited.
- It should also be noted that Police permits for firearms are issued on a limited quota basis and there can be a considerable delay in obtaining a permit, particularly on first importation. It is advisable for intending importers to make applications well in advance of dispatch so that unnecessary inconvenience and expenses can be avoided.
Passing through customs
All persons arriving in Botswana are required to unreservedly declare all goods in their possession to a Customs official on duty on a baggage declaration document. Customs has a duty to protect Botswana from illicit goods.
To do this, checks may be made on travellers and their baggage. If you are stopped and your baggage checked, please cooperate, as they do not assume that you have done anything wrong.
Baggage Declarations
When making baggage declarations, whether verbal or written, you must ensure you declare all goods in your possession as well as their correct values. Failure to declare goods and their correct values can lead to seizure of your goods and can result in criminal prosecution or the imposition of severe penalties of up to three times the value of the goods.
What you must declare
- All goods acquired outside Botswana in your possession, including items you received as gifts, such as wedding or birthday presents
- Repairs or alteration to any items or vehicle you took abroad and then brought back, even if the repairs/alterations were performed free of charge
- Items you bought in any duty-free shop including such items bought duty-free on aircrafts of ships.
- Items you are bringing home for someone else
- Items you intend to sell or use in your business.
To avoid delays with baggage declarations
- Please produce all receipts and sales slips for goods purchased outside Botswana
- If you are unsure of the goods and their values, which you should declare, ask for assistance from the customs officer.
Although there is no restriction on cross-border movement of bank notes in Botswana, there is a need to monitor the movement of money into and out of Botswana for purposes of, among other things, collecting national statistics, monitoring capital flows and balance of payments, and enforcement of anti-money laundering measures.
When you are entering or leaving Botswana, you are required to declare Pula and/or foreign currency bank notes in your possession of which the amount equals to or exceeds an equivalent of Ten Thousand Pula (BWP 10 000). You need not declare Travellers checks and other monetary instruments
You are advised that under the Customs and Excise Duty Act the definition of goods includes currency, and a person who fails to declare currency as required is liable to prosecution.
Please note that the exact quantities and specific rules may vary, so it's always a good idea to check the most recent customs regulations or consult the Botswana Customs and Excise Department for the precise/up-to-date information.
Immigration Rules for Travelling with Children (Effective 01 June 2015)
Travelling abroad with Children
Under the new law, all minors under the age of 18 years will be required to produce, in addition to their passport, an Unabridged Birth Certificate when exiting and entering South African ports of entry.
The regulations apply to all travellers, foreign as well as South African; on departure as well as arrival.
In the case of foreign countries that do not issue unabridged birth certificates, a letter to this effect issued by the competent authority of the foreign country should be produced
All documents must be original or copies certified as a true copy
of the original by a commissioner of oaths or the equivalent commissioning
authority, should commissioners of oath not be a practice in the
country concerned.
Where parents are travelling with a child
- Such parent must produce an unabridged birth certificate of the child reflecting the particulars of the parents of the child
- Adopted children to provide proof of adoption by means of an adoption certificate
Where one parent is travelling with a child
- Such parent must produce an unabridged birth certificate of the child reflecting the particulars of the parents of the child
- Consent in the form of an affidavit (not older than 3 months, dating form the date of travel) from the other parent registered as a parent on the birth certificate of the child authorising him or her to enter into or depart from the Republic with the child he or she is travelling with.
- A court order granting full parental responsibilities and rights or legal guardianship in respect of the child if he or she is the parent or legal guardian of the child; or
- Where applicable, a death certificate of the other parent registered as a parent of the child on the birth certificate
- Legally separated parents should also provide a court order when the other parent does not give consent
Where a person is travelling with a child who is not his or her biological child
- A copy of the unabridged birth certificate of the child;
- An affidavit from the parents or legal guardian of the child confirming that he or she has permission to travel with the child;
- Copies of the identity documents or passports of the parents or legal guardian of the child; and
- The contact details of the parents or legal guardian of the child.
Any unaccompanied minor shall produce to the immigration officer
- In addition to the unabridged birth certificate of the child;
- Proof of consent from on of or both of his or her parents or legal guardian, as the case may be, in form of a letter or affidavit for the child to travel into or depart from the Republic: Provided that in the case where one parent provides proof of consent, that the parent must also provide a copy of a court order issued to him or her in terms of which he or she has been granted full parental responsibilities and rights in respect of the child;
- A letter from the person who is to receive the child in the Republic, containing his or her residential address and contact details in the Republic where the child will be residing;
- A copy of the identity or valid passport and visa or permanent residence permit of the person who is to receive the child in the Republic; and
- The contact details of the parents or legal guardian of the child.
Any child who is in alternative care as defined in the Children's Act, 2005 (Act No.38 of 2005)
- Before departing from the Republic, a certified copy of an authorisation letter from the Provincial Head of the Department of Social Development where the child resides as contemplated in section 169 of the Children’s Act, needs to be produced.
Why Is This Happening?
This is being done to curb human trafficking. When the new immigration law came into effect on the 1st of June 2015, it became the responsibility of passengers to ensure their children have the correct documentation, otherwise they could risk being denied boarding.
The new law is enforced by airlines and immigration officials across the board (land, sea and air). Although airlines and travel agents are doing everything to keep passengers informed, it is ultimately the passengers’ responsibility to know what is required of them.
Application process for an Unabridged Birth Certificate
If your child was born after 14 March 2013, they should already
have an Unabridged Birth Certificate.
If your child was born on or before 14 March 2013, as the parents
or guardians you must apply at your nearest Home Affairs office
and take the following documents along:
- Your ID book as well as your child’s ID number or abridged birth certificate
- Certified copies of all documents and originals must be presented
- The fee for issuing an Unabridged Birth Certificate is currently ZAR75, and the processing time can take up to 8 weeks
Who is exempt
- The law does not apply to children travelling domestically (E.g Between Johannesburg and Cape Town in South Africa)
- Minor Passengers on a “Cruise to Nowhere”. For example a cruise that departs from Durban Harbour and returns to Durban Harbour, or a cruise that goes from Durban Harbour to Cape Town Harbour.
Important Contacts
South African Department of Home Affairs toll free hotline: 0027 (0) 800 60 11 90
Visas and Passports
Entry Requirements
Please note that these notes are not exhaustive and may change routinely:
- Passports must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of entry to Botswana
- Passports must include at least two clear pages facing each other.
- Dual nationals using two different passports can only enter the country on the same passport they used to exit the previous country.
- Torn, wet or grubby passports especially where the picture or pages are damaged, may be refused entry.
Holders of a passport that does not require a visa means that you can simply turn up at an entry point to the country and you will be issued up to 90 days tourist stay in Botswana free of charge. You will be given a form at the border to fill in with such information as passport number, name etc. It will also require an address in Botswana and ask for the length of stay. Always fill in the address (even if it is just where you are going to stay for one night of your trip).
Do your best to never exceed the amount of days granted on your entry stamp. Botswana officials are very strict and are not corrupt (bribe offers could result in arrest). Penalties for overstay are hefty fines, possible imprisonment while it gets sorted, and a record of your passport/stamp in passport making it impossible to return to Botswana as well as making it difficult to travel to other countries.
If for some legitimate reason you miss your deadline, for example breakdown or illness, where this occurs, go to the local police, explain what has happened, and get a letter from them or from a Doctor confirming the situation. Presenting this at the border post should smooth things over.
Foreigners from commonwealth countries are not required to obtain a visa for entering Botswana, except in cases where the Minister of Labour and Home Affairs has directed otherwise (See charts below). Botswana has also signed visa abolition agreements with a number of countries, and their nationals are not required to obtain entry visas, these include South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Zambia.
Countries Whose Nationals Require Visas to Enter Botswana | |||
Afghanistan | Albania | Algeria | Andorra |
Angola | Armenia | Azerbaijan | Bahrain |
Bangladesh | Belarus | Benin | Bhutan |
Bolivia | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bulgaria | Burkina Faso |
Burundi | Cambodia | Cameroon | Cape Verde |
Central African Republic | Chad | China | Colombia |
Comoros | Congo | Democratic Republic of Congo | Cote D'ivoire |
Croatia | Czech Republic | Djibouti | Dominican Republic |
Ecuador | Egypt | El Salvado | Equatorial Guinea |
Eritrea | Estonia | Ethiopia | Gabon |
Georgia | Guatemala | Guinea | Guinea Bissau |
Haiti | Honduras | Hungary | Indonesia |
Iran | Iraq | Ivory Coast | Jordan |
Kazakhstan | Korea DPR | Kuwait | Kyrgyzstan (Kirghizia) |
Laos PDR | Latvia | Lebanon | Liberia |
Libya | Lithuania | Macedonia | Mali |
Madagascar | Marshall Islands | Mauritania | Micronesia |
Moldova | Monaco | Mongolia | Morocco |
Mozambique | Myanmar (Burma) | Nepal | Nicaragua |
Niger | Oman | Pakistan | Palau |
Panama | Philippines | Poland | Qatar |
Romania | Russia | Rwanda | Sao Tome and Principe |
Saudi Arabia | Senegal | Serbia | Slovakia |
Slovenia | Somalia | Sudan | Turkey |
Turkmenistan | Ukraine | United Arab Emirates | Uzbekistan |
Vietnam | Yemen | ||
Commonwealth Countries Whose Nationals Require Visas to Enter Botswana | |||
Ghana | India | Nigeria | Sri Lanka |
Bangladesh | Cameroon | Pakistan |
Requirements for Visa Application:
- Completed immigration supplementary Form D by the applicant (Visa Form)
- Letter of support form the host
- Two passport size photos (identical)
- Fee of BWP500
- Return visa or residence permit from his/her country of residence
- Return air ticket
- Confirmation letter from the country if the person is coming for business purposes
If a person visiting Botswana wants to stay more than three months, they must apply before entering Botswana to the Chief Immigration Officer, P.O Box 942, Gaborone. Tel: +267 631 1300
General Information
The official language of Botswana is English, which is used for government, legal and business purposes. However, the most widely spoken language in Botswana is Setswana (also known as Tswana), which is a Bantu language and serves as the national language. Setswana is used in daily communication by the majority of the population
In addition to English and Setswana, there are other languages
spoken by various ethnic groups in Botswana, such as Kalanga, Sekgalagadi
and Shona among others. However, English and Setswana remain the
primary languages for communication across the country.
GMT+ South Africa
230V plug sockets
Malaria is found in the northern regions including the Okavango Delta, Moremi and Chobe National Parks - Precautions need to be taken.
The food of Botswana reflects the country’s rich cultural heritage, with traditional dishes that feature local ingredients and cooking methods. Some popular foods in Botswana include:
- Seswaa: Seswaa is one of the most famous traditional dishes in Botswana. It consists of slow-cooked beef that is boiled with spices, onion and pepper and then shredded. It is often served with pap or thick polenta.
- Pap: A staple food made from maize meal. It is similar to polenta and is commonly served as a side dish with meat, vegetables and stews. Pap is often eaten with Mopane Worms or Seswaa, and is an essential part of many meals
- Mopane worms: These edible caterpillars are harvested from the mopane tree and are a rich source of protein. Mopane worms are either dried or cooked in stews and are considered a delicacy in Botswana.
- Bogobe: Bogobe is a traditional porridge made from millet or sorghum. It is similar to pap but uses different grains and is often served as a breakfast dish or with meat and vegetables.
National Flag

Money, Credit Cards and Currency
The Botswana currency is the Pula and it is divided into 100 thebe.
Travellers’ cheques and foreign currency may be changed at
banks,bureaux de change, and authorised hotels.
The US dollar, Euro, British Pound and the South African Rand are
the most easily convertible currencies.
Automatic teller machines accept foreign visa cards but are mostly found in larger towns and cities. Foreign cash withdrawals may be subject to additional fees.
Cultural sites and community art and craft outlets usually only accept cash, however, chip and pin and contactless payment options are becoming more common. If in doubt, inquire with your guide or upon arrival at an outlet or attraction/destination.
History and Culture of Botswana
Botswana is a safe, clean and sunshine-filled country that has been described as “Africa’s success story’’ since its independence in 1966. Known for its peace and stability, it is a land of stark contrasts.
Modern, technology-driven urban areas are just a short flight away from the traditional San Bushmen hunting parties in the remote Kalahari Desert. The country’s crystal-clear floodwaters attract massive concentrations of wildlife amidst the parched, bone-dry savannas and woodlands.
Most of Botswana’s small population is concentrated in the more fertile southeast, leaving vast stretches of uninhabited wilderness in the central and northern regions. These areas offer unforgettable safari experiences that will stay with you long after you have shaken the Kalahari sand out of your boots.