Contact Number Email and Directions
for Hotel Europa Hof Swakopmund Namibia

Physical Address of Hotel Europa Hof:

Directions to Hotel Europa Hof

Where is Hotel Europa Hof?

Centrally located in Swakopmund, within short walking distance to the city centre and the beach.

directions to Hotel Europa Hof Swakopmund map

Hotel Europa Hof Booking Form

Please complete the form below as fully as possible.
If you do not have dates or just have a general query please use the comments section and click on "Send me a Quote".

Your Contact Details

Your First Name:

Your Surname (Family Name):

Your Nationality:

Your Telephone Number:

Email Address: (*required field)

Please check & re-type your email address: (*required field)
Note: we will be unable to reply to you if there is a mistake in your email address

Booking Details

Number of Rooms Required:

Arrival Date:

Departure Date:

Number of Adults Travelling:

Number of Children aged 13 years or above:

Number of Children aged 0 to 2 years:

Number of Children aged 3 to 5 years:

Number of Children aged 6 to 12 years:

Comments and Special Requests:

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