North Shore Island Resort Cagayan Philippines

North Shore Island Resort Cagayan accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting North Shore Island Resort Cagayan Philippines. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information and information for your stay at North Shore Island Resort Cagayan, read all the accommodation information about North Shore Island Resort.




Cagayan Hotels Self Catering Camping Guesthouses and Places to stay in Cagayan

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North Shore Island Resort Cagayan

Discover one of the greatest places on earth. Claveria, a small town, north of Cagayan Valley.

With beautiful palm trees, unspoiled beaches combined with mountain views and shunning natural surroundings. Come and make your dream vacation into a reality.

At North Shore Island Resort, your peace and comfort matter to us.

Accommodation at North Shore Island Resort:
Guests can choose from 12 guest rooms, all of which exude an atmosphere of total peace and harmony.

Hotel Policies:
Children and extra beds:
Children 0-1 year(s)
Not allowed to stay
Minimum age of guests is: 1 year(s).
Extra beds are dependent on the room you choose.

Earliest Check-In
12:00 PM
12:00 PM
Reception Open Until
12:00 PM

Features of / Some ideas of what to do at North Shore Island Resort


Smoking Area

Family Room

24 Hour Room Service

Outdoor Pool



North Shore Island Resort Prices


from/per night in

Guest Room



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in Cagayan

North Shore Island Resort Cagayan

North Shore Island Resort Cagayan

North Shore Island Resort Cagayan