Northbourne Lodge Canberra Australia

Northbourne Lodge Canberra accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Northbourne Lodge Canberra Australia. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information and information for your stay at Northbourne Lodge Canberra, read all the accommodation information about Northbourne Lodge.

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Photographs of Northbourne Lodge
Directions to Northbourne Lodge
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Northbourne Lodge

Northbourne Lodge

The Northbourne Lodge provides comfortable, quality accommodation in Canberra that's great value. Whether you're on a business trip or travelling with your family, we aim to make your stay special. We offer a convenient location, personalised service, breakfast facilities, central heating and cooling, off-street parking, and much more.

Northbourne Lodge
Northbourne Lodge

Room Features

We have seven rooms in total which all include the following standard features, Queen/Double sized beds, Ensuite bathroom, TV, Bar Fridge, Kettle with complimentary tea, coffee and fresh milk, Clothes Rack, Wireless Internet access, All rooms are non-smoking. We have some rooms available with personal balconies, please request when making booking.

Rates and prices for Northbourne Lodge

Room type

from/per night

Check-In Times:



Check-Out Time:



extra beds

Family Rooms


extra info

Make a reservation and contact details:

Address: 522 Northbourne Ave Downer ACT

Photographs of Northbourne Lodge

Northbourne Lodge
Northbourne Lodge
Northbourne Lodge

Directions to Northbourne Lodge

By Plane Canberra International Airport only serve flights from Melbourne and Sydney. There are flights almost hourly to Sydney and frequent flights to Melbourne. It takes approximately 50 minutes from Sydney, 1 hour from Melbourne, 2 hours from Brisbane and Adelaide, and 4 hours from Perth. The hotel is a 30 minute ride from Canberra.

By Train There are a lot of train connections offers scenic route going to Canberra from Sydney. The train rides takes 4 to 5 hours. Melbourne trains also serve routes going to Canberra.

By Bus All coaches from Canberra stop at the Jolimont Centre, in the city centre and immediately across the road from the Canberra local bus interchange.

By Car The drive from Sydney to Canberra is 290 km and takes around three and a half hours from the Sydney CBD, less from outer suburbs in Sydney. The drive from Melbourne to Canberra is 650 km and takes roughly eight hours on the Hume and Barton Highways, again mostly on dual-carriageway roads.

Reviews of Northbourne Lodge


Payment information

A Deposit is required to hold your reservation balance is payable on arrival, cash or credit card

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