Kooyong Hotel Mackay Australia

Kooyong Hotel Mackay accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Kooyong Hotel Mackay Australia. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information and information for your stay at Kooyong Hotel Mackay, read all the accommodation information about Kooyong Hotel.

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Photographs of Kooyong Hotel
Directions to Kooyong Hotel
Reviews of Kooyong Hotel


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Kooyong Hotel

Responsible Service

The Kooyong Hotel is ideally located just a short walk across the Pioneer River from Mackays City Heart and the shopping and entertainment precinct of this booming coastal city. The Kooyong Hotel is committed to ensuring the Responsible Service and Promotion of Gaming in our venue.

Kooyong Hotel


The main bar opens out onto our spacious beergarden, regularly holding live entertainment and other events. The bar also features a pool table and jukebox and all drinks chilled on ice. There are always heaps of promotions and activities on offer such as darts, raffles, Jokers jackpot and much more. The Kooyong prides itself in taking an active and positive role within the local community. We host several charity events each year be sure to join us at the next one!

Kooyong Hotel

Rates and prices for Kooyong Hotel

Room type

from/per night

Check-In Times:

type 1


Check-Out Time:

type 2


extra beds

type 3


extra info

Make a reservation and contact details:

Address: 1 Harbour Road, North Mackay, Mackay, Queensland 4740, Australia

Photographs of Kooyong Hotel




Kooyong Hotel
Kooyong Hotel

Directions to Kooyong Hotel

By car
The Bruce Highway is a coastal highway between Brisbane and Cairns and passes through Mackay. The Peak Downs Highway runs from Clermont North-East to terminate in Mackay.

By boat
Mackay it has a extensive marina is often the first stop for those exploring the Whitsunday Islands but no regular passenger ferries.

By bus
Greyhound bus lines have regular services from Brisbane stopping at airport and in Mackay itself on the way to Cairns.

Facilities at Kooyong Hotel

family Rooms

Reviews of Kooyong Hotel


Payment information

A Deposit is required to hold your reservation balance is payable on arrival, cash or credit card

We accept the following credit / debit cards

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