High Road Hotel Perth Australia

High Road Hotel Perth accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting High Road Hotel Perth Australia. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information and information for your stay at High Road Hotel Perth, read all the accommodation information about High Road Hotel.

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High Road Hotel

Welcome to High road Hotel

The High Road Hotel is conveniently located right next to Riverton Forum Shopping Centre which has many shops to attend to your needs.

High Road Hotel


We have eight rooms available at the back of the hotel with ample parking for all guests. If you don’t have a car not to worry we are located on a main road so public transport is easily accessible.The rooms are of a modern style. Each room is fully air conditioned and has a plasma television with remote control to help you relax. The rooms also have tea and coffee facilities and a small bar fridge.

High Road Hotel

High Road Hotel
High Road Hotel

High Road Hotel

The High Road Hotel accommodation is suited for families, couples or singles as we have two different room sizes. The family rooms contain a queen size bed with two single beds in a separate space, the double rooms have a queen size bed and a single bed. All rooms come with their own bathroom facilities with a shower and toilet.

High Road Hotel


With over 18 local and imported beers including Bulmers Original Cider on tap, plenty of wine, RTD’s and cocktails plus three pool tables, arcade machines and plenty of seating to choose from we have all the bases covered for a great night out. The main bar features a huge wrap around bar, television showing sport, music videos and more! It also has direct access to our huge beer garden with misting fans during summer and heaters for during winter. Its truly the best year round bar for everyone. You can also order a meal from our bar menu at the bar.


The Bistro has a stylish and contemporary decor and comfortable, relaxed surroundings. There are groovy lounge chairs inside which are great for sitting back and relaxing with friends and the outdoor area is perfect for enjoying a delicious meal on those warm summer evenings.

High Road Hotel

Rates and prices for High Road Hotel

Room type

from/per night


Check-In Times:

type 1



Check-Out Time:

type 2



extra beds

type 3



extra info

Make a reservation and contact details:

High Road Hotel
Address: 361 High Road
Riverton WA 6148, Australia

Directions to High Road Hotel


Facilities at High Road Hotel

Room Facilities Room Facilities Hotel Facilities Hotel Facilities


Reviews of High Road Hotel


Payment information

A Deposit is required to hold your reservation balance is payable on arrival, cash or credit card

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