Native Village Inn Cagayan Philippines

Native Village Inn Cagayan accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Native Village Inn Cagayan Philippines. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information and information for your stay at Native Village Inn Cagayan, read all the accommodation information about Native Village Inn.




Cagayan Hotels Self Catering Camping Guesthouses and Places to stay in Cagayan

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Native Village Inn Cagayan

Welcome to Native Village Inn

The premiere resort in the Cordillera Mountains of the Philippines. We look forward to serve you in our beautiful mountain hideaway!

Suitably located in Banaue, this two star property makes a magnificent base to explore the famous UNESCO World Heritage Site and the Banaue Rice Terraces.

Being only 9.0 km drive from the city center, this is a wonderful place to enjoy some of the town’s finest attractions and activities.

Accommodation at Native Village Inn:

The rooms are modern and comfortable, our cottages don't have attached bathrooms, however our bathrooms are spotlessly clean and only a few meters walk away from the cottages.

Also our staffs are very attentive and will make your stay enjoyable. All our visitors are happy with the cleanliness of our bathrooms, quality of the food and service.


It’s important to us that our visitor’s experience a happy and memorable stay at Native Inn. We want you to enjoy our delicious food and drinks. It’s our aim to serve our delicious hot food and hot drinks at our restaurant.

So please if the coffee, tea or food that should be hot is not please give it back to the waitress and request it to be served hot. Also if you want your coffee or if the tea is too strong please advise our staff and they will be happy to try to fulfil your requests.

If the waitresses are slow to remove your plates and clean the table after you have finished your food please bring it to their attention.

Features of Native Village Inn



Room Service



Pets Allowed

Car Park

Coffee Shop



Native Village Inn Prices


from/per night in

Native Cottage



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in Cagayan

Native Village Inn Cagayan

Native Village Inn Cagayan

Native Village Inn Cagayan

Native Village Inn Cagayan