Marco Hotel Cagayan de Oro Philippines

Marco Hotel Cagayan de Oro accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Marco Hotel Cagayan de Oro Philippines. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information and information for your stay at Marco Hotel Cagayan de Oro, read all the accommodation information about Marco Hotel.




Cagayan de Oro Hotels Self Catering Camping Guesthouses and Places to stay in Cagayan de Oro

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Marco Hotel Cagayan de Oro

Welcome to Marco Hotel!

Marco Hotel is located East Cagayan De Oro and is a very popular choice for travelers.

Guests can enjoy easy access to all that the city has to offer. Visitors to the hotel can take pleasure in touring the city’s top attractions.

Accommodation At Marco Hotel
Marco hotel has 54 rooms which guests can choose from. The rooms are elegantly furnished and equipped with wide range of amenities to ensure guest’s comfort and relaxation. Marco Hotel is your one stop destination for quality hotel accommodation in Cagayan De Oro.

Children and extra beds:
Infant 0-1 year(s)
Stay for free if using existing bedding.
Note: if you need a cot there may be an extra charge.
Children 2-6 year(s)
Must use an extra bed
Guests over 6 years old are considered as adults.
Extra beds are dependent on the room you choose.

Features of / Some ideas of what to do at Marco Hotel



Outdoor Pool


Coffee Shop

Tennis Courts

Car Park

Family Room

Smoking Area


Room Service

Meeting Facilities

Pool (kids)

Fitness Center

Safety Deposit Boxes


Business Center

Laundry Service or Dry Cleaning


Marco Hotel Prices


from/per night in

Suite Room


Deluxe Room


Standard Room



Email Marco Hotel enquiries and reservations:



Cagayan de Oro accommodation More places to stay
in Cagayan de Oro

Marco Hotel Cagayan de Oro

Marco Hotel Cagayan de Oro

Marco Hotel Cagayan de Oro

Marco Hotel Cagayan de Oro