1st Avenue Apartelle

Mactan Island


Accommodation type available:

Price Guide: From P

Photographs of 1st Avenue Apartelle
Directions to 1st Avenue Apartelle
Reviews of 1st Avenue Apartelle


Email : bookphilippines@madbookings.com


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1st Avenue Apartelle

1st Avenue Apartelle

Rates and prices for 1st Avenue Apartelle Mactan Island

Room type

from/per night


Check-In Times:

type 1



Check-Out Time:

type 2



extra beds

type 3



extra info

Make a reservation and contact details:


M.L. Quezon St., Pusok Hi-Way, Lapu Lapu 6015, Philippines

Reviews of 1st Avenue Apartelle


Payment information

A Deposit is required to hold your reservation balance is payable prior to arrival to secure your room


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