Royal Yadanarbon Hotel Mandalay


Royal Yadanarbon Hotel Mandalay accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Royal Yadanarbon Hotel Mandalay Myanmar. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Royal Yadanarbon Hotel Mandalay, read all the accommodation information about Royal Yadanarbon Hotel .


Royal Yadanarbon Hotel

Welcome to Royal Yadanarbon Hotel

The Hotel is ideally located near the Thiri Mandalar Highway and Thiri Mandalar Market.


Royal Yadanarbon Hotel

The Royal Yadanarbon Hotel has well furnished rooms and equipped with remote controlled air-conditioning, private bath and shower, IDD telephone and in-house minibar.

Royal Yadanarbon Hotel
Royal Yadanarbon Hotel
Room Facilities
Individual Control Air Condition
Cable TV
Mini Bar
Hot and Cool Shower
Royal Yadanarbon Hotel
Hotel Facilities
Laundry and security service
Doctor on call
Safe Box
Complimentart Buffet Breakfast
Boat Rental
Internet Access

Royal Yadanarbon Hotel Room Price Guide

All prices given are per room per night in US$

Prices are starting prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.

Room Type and Season

Room Type

Room Type
Room Type and Season

Room Type

Room Type