Hotel Yadanarbon Mandalay


Hotel Yadanarbon Mandalay accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Hotel Yadanarbon Mandalay Myanmar. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Hotel Yadanarbon Mandalay, read all the accommodation information about Hotel Yadanarbon .


Hotel Yadanarbon

Welcome to Hotel Yadanarbon

Situated in the Heart of the City (near Mandalay Railway Station,Yadanarbon Super Market, Diamond Plaza Shopping Malls and Mandalay General Hospital).


Hotel Yadanarbon

Accommodation Offered:
All 58 guest rooms feature thoughtful amenities to ensure an unparalleled sense of comfort. Besides, the hotel's host of recreational offerings ensures you have plenty to do during your stay. Discover an engaging blend of professional service and a wide array of features at Hotel Yadanarbon.

Hotel Yadanarbon
Hotel Yadanarbon

Room Facilities
Safety Box
Hair Dryer
Satellite TV
Fully Stocked Mini Bar
Hot and Cold Shower
Tea and Coffee Making Facilities

Hotel Yadanarbon
Hotel Facilities
Laundry and Valet
Business Centre
Doctor on call
Room Service
Postal Service
Tour Guide on call

Hotel Yadanarbon Room Price Guide

All prices given are per room per night in US$

Prices are starting prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.

Room Type and Season

Suite rooms

Deluxe rooms
Room Type and Season

Superior rooms

Standard rooms