Hotel Rama Mandalay


Hotel Rama Mandalay accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Hotel Rama Mandalay Myanmar. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Hotel Rama Mandalay, read all the accommodation information about Hotel Rama .


Hotel Rama

Welcome to Hotel Rama

Opened in December 2013,this elegant first-class hotel is situated in the heart of Mandalay, the fabled city and one-time royal capital of the ancient Kingdom of Burma.


Hotel Rama

The newly-built hotel is a celebration of all things Myanmar,featuring teak furniture and fixture are made from rattan and lacquer ware.

Hotel Rama
Hotel Rama
Room Facilities
Hair dryer
Hot and cold water
Dressing table
Bathroom amenities
Writing desk
Hotel Rama
Hotel Facilities
Tea and coffee making facilities
Daily housekeeping
Free WiFi access
Complimentary water bottlkes
Lift to all floors

Hotel Rama Room Price Guide

All prices given are per room per night in US$

Prices are starting prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.

Room Type and Season

Room Type

Room Type
Room Type and Season

Room Type

Room Type