Hotel UiTM Dungun Malaysia

Hotel UiTM Dungun accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Hotel UiTM Dungun Malaysia. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Hotel UiTM Dungun, read all the accommodation information about Hotel UiTM.


Hotel UiTM

Welcome to Hotel UiTM

Is located on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia in the state of Terengganu, just 4 hours by road from Kuala Lumpur or 45 minutes from Terengganu airport. By water, it's just 40 minutes from Kuala Lumpur or 50 minutes from Singapore.


Hotel UiTM

There are 42 rooms and suites are designed to pamper you with every imaginable comfort. The private balcony in each superior room opens onto a sweeping view of Terengganu's stretch of beach, the tranquil emerald waters of the Gulf Fold create the
most relaxing setting for a holiday.

Hotel UiTM
Hotel UiTM


Sri Molek restaurant offers a variety of local and international flavors. Guests can unwind in a relaxed surrounding and enjoy the sea breeze from the terrace while enjoying our signature foods!
Hotel UiTM

Hotel Facilities

Hotel UiTM hotel facility Telephone
Hotel UiTM hotel facility Colored television
Hotel UiTM hotel facility Mini fridge
Hotel UiTM hotel facility Hot shower
Hotel UiTM hotel facility Coffee or tea making facilities

Hotel UiTM Room Price Guide

All prices given are per room per night in US$

Prices are starting prices given as a guide only, actual price may vary depending on availability.

Superior room

Deluxe room

Kenang suite
Rose suite

Anderik suite room