Eulophiella Lodge Andasibe

Eulophiella Lodge Madagascar accommodation guide – all the information you need about the accommodation at the Eulophiella Lodge Andasibe. Photographs, room types, location and booking information for your stay at the Eulophiella Lodge Andasibe Madagascar.


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Photographs of
Eulophiella LodgeEulophiella Lodge Madagascar

Eulophiella Lodge Madagascar

Eulophiella Lodge Madagascar

Eulophiella Lodge Madagascar

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This lodge, affectionately named after the Eulophiella orchid which is found in Madagascar, is situated in a remote location, in close proximity to the Andasibe Reserve.

This provides guests with a close encounter with Malagasy wildlife.

The lodge boasts sixteen immaculate thatched chalets, ten of which are made of wood, with the remaining six being brick walled.

Eulophiella Lodge Madagascar

All the chalets have ensuite facilities. Also, there are verandas where guests can sit during the day and soak up some sunlight, while listening to he call of the Indri. There is also a lounge and dining area with a large verandah, where guests can take meals can be taken, whilst looking out into the forest.

This lodge is secluded and provides the peace and tranquility of the rainforest, where a wide selection of wildlife can be seen, such as the Indri, which is the largest of the lemur family and is native to Madagascar.

* Andasibe (Perinet) National Park.
* Nature walks/hikes during the day or at night in the nature reserve.


Where is Eulophiella Lodge?

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