Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe Botswana

Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe Botswana. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe, read all the accommodation information about Khama Rhino Sanctuary.

Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe

In addition to protection of the wildlife, we offer many other facilities as detailed overleaf, and are continually working to meet our objectives. Current projects include pumping water around the Sanctuary from two boreholes,

Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe

construction of an Education Centre and expansion of our Environmental Education facilities, the development of a research centre and construction of a restaurant. As a community trust we are reliant on donor funding.

Khama Rhino Sanctuary Serowe

In the past these have come from government, private business, other non-governmental organisations and members of the public, both from Botswana and abroad. Thanks to such generous contributions, we are able to continue our work towards preserving Botswana's unique wildlife heritage.

Khama Rhino Sanctuary storiesKhama Rhino Sanctuary more information

Khama Rhino Sanctuary storiesKhama Rhino Sanctuary more information