Dqae Qare Camping Ghanzi Botswana

Dqae Qare Camping Ghanzi accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Dqae Qare Camping Ghanzi Botswana. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Dqae Qare Camping Ghanzi, read all the accommodation information about Dqae Qare Camping.

Dqae Qare Camping Ghanzi

Cultural Experience

A multi-day cultural experience is available on request where you will participate in learning past skills and indigenous knowledge from members of the Bushmen community. For more details on this once in a life time opportunity.


Dqae Qare Camping Ghanzi


Dqãe Qare Game reserve was initially stocked with various species of large mammals nearly ten years ago. Many of these animals are now aging and it has been decided that instead of loosing some of these trophy size animals it would be far preferable to offer these to hunters.

Dqae Qare Camping Ghanzi
Dqae Qare Camping Ghanzi

In this way the community generates sizable income from their assets. Trophy hunting is available on the reserve and there is a programme underway to launch bow hunting.

Dqae Qare Camping Ghanzi

This project will incorporate the traditional manufacture of bows and the poison used by the Bushmen although all hunting would be done with modern compound bows. This programme will ensure that indigenous knowledge will not be lost.