Kismet Inn Hopkins Belize

Kismet Inn Hopkins accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Kismet Inn Hopkins Belize. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information costs rates and prices for your stay at Kismet Inn Hopkins, read all the accommodation information about Kismet Inn.


Kismet Inn


At Kismet Inn we try our best to make your stay in Hopkins Belize like you are at your second home. We are always available for conversation or some suggestions on where to go and what to do. Tours can be arranged to go fishing or snorkeling.

Kismet Inn

We have day trips to private cayes off our coast. We offer free bikes to pedal around Hopkins and free WiFi for you to keep in touch with your families at home. We are a Bread and Breakfast in Hopkins Belize.

Kismet Inn
Kismet Inn


We do take your laundry seriously, give it to us in the morning, washed, hung up and folded later the same day.

Kismet Inn

Free Pick Up

Call us from stop sign in Hopkins for pickup. If available, I will be there in minutes on my utility scooter.

Kismet Inn


Lagoon, Sailing, Sailing and Fishing Trips.

Rent our canoes to the Lagoon just 10 mins away at the bar mouth. Hopkins best kept secret 17 miles of open water, mangrove alley ways.

Kismet Inn

Paddle through the peaceful waterways while looking to see manatees, green american crocodiles, pink spoonbill flamingos and other birds of all kinds.

Kismet Inn
Kismet Inn

There is a lookout tower to climb. You will say "Oh my God" when you see the view of the majestic mayan mountains, the endless waterways and the cayes out by the reef. All in one 360 degree view.

Kismet Inn

Take a tour in a spliff or sail in a 42" or a 26' sailboat to the Cayes, stay the night or just the day. There is snorkeling, fishing or just relax with a cold beverage and have lunch. Tours to bread and butter, tobacco, and fresh water cayes or to the reef.