Tropical Gateway Motor Inn Rockhampton Australia

Tropical Gateway Motor Inn Rockhampton accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Tropical Gateway Motor Inn Rockhampton Australia. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information and information for your stay at Tropical Gateway Motor Inn Rockhampton, read all the accommodation information about Tropical Gateway Motor Inn.

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Accommodation type available:

Price Guide: From

Photographs of Tropical Gateway Motor Inn
Directions to Tropical Gateway Motor Inn
Reviews of Tropical Gateway Motor Inn


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Tropical Gateway Motor Inn

Daily Special

Breakfast- hot or continental breakfast is available daily 7:00 am delivered to your room. Larger groups can use our restaurant for their comfort.

Dinner- restaurant is open Monday to Friday from 6:30 pm. Room service is also available.

Tropical Gateway Motor Inn

Rates and prices for Tropical Gateway Motor Inn

Room type

from/per night

Check-In Times:

Single Person Queen Bed


Check-Out Time:

Couple Queen Bed


extra beds

Twin Share Queen and Single


extra info

Extra Person Single Bed


Queen and 2 Single Bed


Queen and Double Bed


Make a reservation and contact details:

Address: 122 Gladstone Road, Allenstown QLD 4700, Australia

Photographs of Tropical Gateway Motor Inn




Tropical Gateway Motor Inn
Tropical Gateway Motor Inn
Tropical Gateway Motor Inn




Tropical Gateway Motor Inn
Tropical Gateway Motor Inn
Tropical Gateway Motor Inn

Directions to Tropical Gateway Motor Inn

From Brisbane
From the south, follow the highway into Rockhampton. The highway becomes George Street. Turn right into Albert Street until you get to the Fitzroy River Bridge. Bolsover Street is the last street on the left before the bridge. Turn left at the lights. We are 20 metres on your right.

From Rockhampton Airport
We are only 3 kms from Rockhampton Airport. Leave the airport, drive along Hunter Street into North Street, continue through the roundabouts, cross the railway line. When you get to the traffic lights, turn right (Bolsover Street). We are 50 metres on the left.

From Mackay
From the north, travel along the highway into Yaamba Road. Drive under the pedestrian walkway until you reach the traffic lights at the Stockland Shopping Centre. Continue until you cross the Fitzroy River bridge and take the first turn right. (Bolsover Street) We are 20 metres on the right.

Facilities at Tropical Gateway Motor Inn

wifi is available
free private parking
breakfast in the room
bbq facilities

Reviews of Tropical Gateway Motor Inn


Payment information

A Deposit is required to hold your reservation balance is payable on arrival, cash or credit card

We accept the following credit / debit cards

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