The West End Hotel Kirkwall

The West End Hotel Kirkwall accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting The West End Hotel Kirkwall Scotland. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information and information for your stay at The West End Hotel Kirkwall, read all the accommodation information about The West End Hotel.



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The West End Hotel Scotland

Our hotel offers the simple comforts and is among the finest places to stay in Orkney. It was built in Kirkwall in 1824 by a retired sea captain and became Orkney's first hospital in 1845.

Today, owners Gifford Leslie and Robert Dawson provide a warm welcome and comfortable guest rooms, each with a shower-only bathroom. The property has been refurbished in the past few years and is now fresh and inviting with the ideal blend of both old and new to cater to all tastes.

Rates and Prices for The West End Hotel
  from/per night in GB Pound £  
Room type £ £
Room type £ £

Features of The West End Hotel / Some ideas of what to do at The West End Hotel

small conference retreats workshop concerts
lectures weddings courses

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