Hotels & Accommodation in New Forest

New Forest England holiday, hotel and travel guide, offering accurate information on New Forest hotels, lodges, camping sites guesthouses, bed and breakfasts and places to stay in New Forest. All you need to know about Englands New Forest for a holiday or a business trip, weather, currency, moblie phone networks, internet, electricity, as well as booking of accommodation, hotels, bed and breakfasts, guesthouses, cottages, self catering houses, camp sites and more in New Forest England.

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Places to stay in New Forest

There is something for everyone in The New Forest, whether you're looking to relax, explore or just enjoy, The New Forest is the ideal location. A huge selection of New Forest accommodation is available from luxury and country house hotels, self catering holiday cottages, bed & breakfasts, camping & caravan sites and holiday parks there is something to suit everyone's budget and style. There is a wealth of places to visit and explore in The New Forest from award winning gardens, museums, leisure and wildlife parks and farm plus much, much more. The New Forest is a former royal hunting area in the south of England. It was created in 1079 by William I (known as William the Conqueror) as a hunting area, principally of deer. It is a unique area of historical, ecological and agricultural significance, and retains many of the rural practices conceded by the Crown in historical times to local people. Principal of these is the pasturing of ponies, cattle, pigs and donkeys in the open Forest by local inhabitants known as commoners. The New Forest has also been an important source of timber for the Crown.


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New Forest
hotels in New Forest England
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New Forest
places to stay in New Forest
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accommodation in New Forest
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New Forest hotels
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New Forest
New Forest accommodation
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places to stay in New Forest
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Accommodation New Forest England places to stay in New Forest hotels in England New Forest camping guesthouses and bed and breakfasts

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