Welcome to Moorfield House Hotel Braemar Scotland

Moorfield House Hotel Braemar accommodation guide - everything you need to know before visiting Moorfield House Hotel Braemar Scotland. Room types, location, services, activities, facilities and information on Moorfield House Hotel. Whether you are going for a holiday or a business trip to Braemar in Scotland read all the accommodation information about Moorfield House Hotel.

Email Moorfield House Hotel enquiries & reservations: bookscotland@madbookings.com  


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Braemar Hotels This charming family run hotel sits in a secluded location within the historic village of Braemar and overlooks the famous ‘Braemar Highland Games Gathering’ arena ,and is indeed only yards from the Royal Pavillion.

Recently refurbished to a high standard the hotel offers a warm and friendly welcome, comfortable accommodation, a first –class dining experience and is the ideal base for outdoor activities all year round.

There is ample parking in out private car park for cars, Mini Buses and motor cycles, and they have ample drying facilities for wet clothing and storage for bikes.

Their fully licensed restaurant (open to the public) has recently been awarded 3star, why not discover why they have a growing reputation for the quality and exceptional value of their freshly cooked and locally sourced menu.

Moorfield Hotel Accommodation

Exceptional Bedrooms Await you
They have completely refurbished all of their bedrooms which have modern en –suite facilities ,apart from one single room which has an adjacent private bathroom. The rooms are beautifully furnished and the front bedrooms have open views over the games park to the Cairngorm Mountains.

How to get to Moorfield house hotel
Getting to the Moorfield House Hotel is fairly straightforward. Whether approaching from the North, South or West, simply head for the center of town and the show ground. Just to the right of the show ground you will see Chapel Brae. Drive up the brae for about 400 meters and you will see the sign for the Moorfield House Hotel. Turn left and follow the tree-lined driveway until you reach the hotel. There is plenty of room for parking, right at the front door.

Email Moorfield House Hotel enquiries & reservations: bookscotland@madbookings.com