Welcome to Cairngorm Lodge Youth Hostel
Aviemore Scotland

Cairngorm Lodge Youth Hostel Aviemore accommodation guide - everything you need to know before visiting Cairngorm Lodge Youth Hostel Aviemore Scotland. Room types, location, services, activities, facilities and information on Cairngorm Lodge Youth Hostel. Whether you are going for a holiday or a business trip to Aviemore in Scotland read all the accommodation information about Cairngorm Lodge Youth Hostel.

Email Cairngorm Lodge Youth Hostel enquiries & reservations: bookscotland@madbookings.com 


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Aviemore HotelsTheir three star hostel offers quality, comfortable accommodation in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park. Ideal location for year-round activities including walking, climbing, mountain biking, fishing, pony trekking snow and watersports.

Excellent facilities and a warm welcome makes their hostel a popular choice with families and outdoor enthusiasts, with many return guests.

Cairngorm Lodge Youth Hostel Facilities

Coin Operated Washing Machine
Drying Facilities
Laundry Service Available
Bed Linen Provided
Gas Cooker
Heating Throughout Property
Payphones Available
TV Lounge
Towel Charge

Getting there from the Information Centre
Head south out of village, turn left after BP garage, follow road to Cairngorm, Glenmore for 6.5 miles.
Getting There by Railway
From Aviemore Railway Station turn left, continue past the BP petrol station. Next left to Cairngorm, Glenmore, Loch Morlich. Continue for 6.5 miles.

Please Note:
No Smoking Permitted
Credit Cards that the lodge takes
Delta Card

Email Cairngorm Lodge Youth Hostel enquiries & reservations: bookscotland@madbookings.com