Reviews of Safari Lodge in Baguio Philippines

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Baguio Philippines

Latest Review of Safari Lodge Baguio City

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Animal Lovers Beware

The safari lodge is beautiful, but the animals on the wall made me very uncomfortable. The rooms were clean and spacious, but again the animal head in the room were a turn off. The breakfast was cheap and affordable, but it tasted very plain and flavourless. The staff were friendly, although they seem very unhappy working at the Lodge. I recommend this to anybody who is on a tight budget, but if you are an animal lover this isn't the place for you!


Reviewed by: Sandra

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The Safari

Great location, good food, friendly staff, clean rooms. Why not try the Safari Lodge?


Reviewed by: Gwen

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Animal Heaven

The lodge lives up to it's name, the lobby is stunning with all the animal finishing’s. The bed was perfectly decorated and spacious, the bathroom was reasonably clean. The food is great and affordable; you should try their banana fritters there delicious. I recommend this lodge to anybody looking for affordable accommodation.


Reviewed by: Morice

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The Location Safari

The prices to me are not as affordable as people say, there rooms are very average. The food is alright. The staff are friendly but service is slow. The only thing i loved was the area, and all the tours that can be arranged from the lodge itself, other than that i wasn't all that impressed.


Reviewed by: Adam

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Animal Cruelty

The animals on the wall were very disturbing, it made me very uncomfortable to look at them. The rooms were clean and spacious but even there I couldn’t escape all the animal heads. The prices arte not affordable and the food is terrible. The room smelled funny, it was clean but there was a certain odour that wouldn’t go away. We checked out the next morning, they have no respect for nature. Who on earth could support there cruelty!


Reviewed by: Amy

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