Hotel Milenio Nampula

Hotel Milenio Nampula accommodation guide everything you need to know before visiting Hotel Milenio Nampula Mozambique. Photographs, room types, activities, facilities, location booking information and information for your stay at Hotel Milenio Nampula, read all the accommodation information about Hotel Milenio.



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Hotel Milenio Mozambique

Hotel Milenio is a hotel in Nampula city.
They offer a high standard of accommodation for a reasonable price.

The Lobby is well laid out and spacious. There is a large area on the ground floor of Hotel Milenio for shops.
Rooms are en-suite with hot running water and Satellite TV (but with limited channels - CNN and Hallmark movie channel). There are 40 rooms available all with air conditioning and is the new favourite for business and tourists alike.

Hotel Milenio Mozambique Hotel Milenio Mozambique

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Hotel Milenio Mozambique

Hotel Milenio Mozambique