Hotels & Accommodation in Shanklin Old Village

Shanklin Old Village England holiday, hotel and travel guide, offering accurate information on Shanklin Old Village hotels, lodges, camping sites guesthouses, bed and breakfasts and places to stay in Shanklin Old Village. All you need to know about Englands Shanklin Old Village for a holiday or a business trip, weather, currency, moblie phone networks, internet, electricity, as well as booking of accommodation, hotels, bed and breakfasts, guesthouses, cottages, self catering houses, camp sites and more in Shanklin Old Village England.

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Places to stay in Shanklin Old Village

Shanklin Old Village is a small part of Shanklin itself and contains some of the oldest dwellings the majority of them thatched. It is on a slightly lower level than the town of Shanklin and is famous for it's small gift shops and tea rooms. There are also several small and unique restaurants, 4 pubs and 1 Hotel Bar, two quite large Hotels, chip shop, and some of the tea rooms are now licensed as well. The Crab Inn is a famous sight being on many fudge box fronts and the narrow and twisting road through the village itself slows the holiday traffic down considerably. Shanklin chine is also accessed from here and is a must on a warm summers night especially when illuminated.


Shanklin Old Village  hotels


Shanklin Old Village
hotels in Shanklin Old Village England
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Shanklin Old Village
places to stay in Shanklin Old Village
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Shanklin Old Village
accommodation in Shanklin Old Village
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Shanklin Old Village
Shanklin Old Village hotels
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Shanklin Old Village
Shanklin Old Village accommodation
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Shanklin Old Village
places to stay in Shanklin Old Village
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Accommodation Shanklin Old Village England places to stay in Shanklin Old Village hotels in England Shanklin Old Village camping guesthouses and bed and breakfasts

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