Higher Barnfield Bed and Breakfast Kingsbridge

Higher Barnfield Bed and Breakfast Kingsbridge accommodation guide - everything you need to know before visiting Higher Barnfield Bed and Breakfast Kingsbridge. Room types, location, services, activities, facilities and information on Higher Barnfield Bed and Breakfast. Whether you are going for a holiday or a business trip to Kingsbridge read all the accommodation information about Higher Barnfield Bed and Breakfast.


Higher Barnfield Bed and Breakfast

Accommodation in Kingsbridge

Email Higher Barnfield Bed and Breakfast reservations: bookengland@madbookings.com

Stylish Georgian house is at the top of Fore Street in the centre of Kingsbridge, within walking distance from restaurants and shops.
We have two bedrooms available; Anastasia’s room has a king-sized double sleigh bed with full en-suite, and Raphael’s room is larger also with king-sized double sleigh bed and with a private bathroom.
There is a sitting-out area with facilities for tea and coffee making. Apart from Mary and Stephen, also resident at Higher Barnfield are Otto, a large long haired white Angora cat, and Browne a young friendly Jackadoodle.
We have space in our garage for a small/medium car or two motorcycles, which is up a very narrow drive.

Higher Barnfield Bed and Breakfast Facilities and Services
Televisions in all rooms
Internet access Wi-Fi
Vegetarians catered
Tea and Coffee Facilities

Higher Barnfield Bed and Breakfast Activities and Attractions






Horse Riding

High Cross House

Berry Pomeroy Beach




Email Higher Barnfield Bed and Breakfast reservations: bookengland@madbookings.com


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