Welcome to Felbrigg Lodge Hotel Aylmerton

Felbrigg Lodge Hotel Aylmerton accommodation guide - everything you need to know before visiting Felbrigg Lodge Hotel Aylmerton. Room types, location, services, activities, facilities and information on Felbrigg Lodge Hotel. Whether you are going for a holiday or a business trip to Aylmerton read all the accommodation information about Felbrigg Lodge Hotel.


Felbrigg Lodge Hotel

Accommodation in Aylmerton

Email Felbrigg Lodge Hotel enquiries and reservations: bookengland@madbookings.com

Felbrigg Lodge is located near Holt, Cromer and Sheringham and is the ideal location for your romantic short break or longer holiday in North Norfolk.
Come and watch the stars in the Hot tub bliss. Felbrigg Lodge Hotel is one of the best located luxury hotels in Norfolk. We invite you to experience a short break escape from the real world in this Boutique Hotel.
The hotels classical countryside charm combined with a friendly relaxing atmosphere encouraging you to relax and unwind and enjoy a short break in this unspoilt corner of beautiful north Norfolk.
Whether for business or pleasure, Felbrigg Lodge offers bespoke accommodation, scrummy home-cooked food using fresh local fare, served in the Ivy Restaurant.
Enjoy our fully heated private indoor pool and real space to kick back and breath.

Felbrigg Lodge Hotel - Room Features
6ft bed (can be set up as double or twin)
Sunken bath
Wood burning stove (wood supplied)
Vaulted ceiling
Full of light (9 windows)
Private Veranda overlooking the orchard
Option for private dining
5 ft. oak four poster bed
Large spacious suite
Shower over bath
French doors leading onto the landscaped gardens
Small patio area perfect for early morning coffee or an early evening glass of wine
Large fully tiled bathroom with shower over the bath

Felbrigg Lodge Hotel / Nearby Activities and Attractions







Horse Riding

Steam Trains


North Walsham

Dinosaur Adventure Park




Email Felbrigg Lodge Hotel enquiries and reservations: bookengland@madbookings.com

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